Can Tuesday possibly be the day the Mother of all Parliaments died?

Posted 31 Jan 2013 by Walaa Idris

Houses of Parliament

This piece was ready to post two days ago, but it was too dark, so I decided to leave it for a day or two and lighten it up some before posting. I still stand by what I twitted after the vote on Tuesday which is – we should not balm Cameron and his team for not having an airtight clause regarding the boundary review in the collation agreement or Clegg and his MPs for reneging on a promise. We need to stop dwelling on it and just move on. Even though the lasting damage might be vast – what’s done is done. However, my faith in the British people to do the right thing when the time comes is still strong and unyielding.

My thoughts and feeling on the vote, what it meant and the profound effect it left me with has more to do with its significance than its party political effects.

Growing up as an ex colonial, the UK Parliament, the Mother of all Parliaments, is an establishment I revered and looked up to throughout my life. I continued to regard it as so, even after the cash for peerages and the expenses scandals, because, I saw those two events as the flaws of a few bad apples and not the failings of the whole honorable body. As far as I was concerned, the rest were/are still selfless public servants who put country before personal or party gain. A perfect evidence of that selflessness is the current coalition government, when in 2010 two opposing parties, put to one side their differences for the national interest.

That all changed on Tuesday. Clegg was embittered and his blind bitterness will ultimately cost him dear, because without the proposed reforms he stands to lose more in the existing boundaries. And if he and his party think it was worth it to cut their noses to spit their faces, though dishonorable as it is, it’s their fail to bear.

As for Miliband and those who voted with him, they made history. But not that kind of chronicle they want their children and great children to remember them by. As a nation that prides itself in being fair and the exporter of justice and democracy the world over. After Tuesday’s orchestrated coup on equality, neither are viable commodity to freight overseas.

Tuesday’s vote showed shortsightedness and a great lack of basic common sense. Those who voted to keep the current, unequal boundaries are no better than the Robert Mugabes, and Muammer Gaddafis of the world. They too had powers which they misused for personal gains.

I never once bought into Labour the party of the people, champion of the common folk nonsense. Since, to champion people means to empower them. Except Labour prefers to imprison people in the dependency culture and rather give them a hand out than a hand up. From where I am standing that is the same as a dictatorship, it might be bloodless and achieved without firing a bullet but it is nonetheless autocratic. Did Labour win or did Britain loss?

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