What nonsense!

Posted 15 Apr 2013 by Walaa Idris

Baroness Thatcher

Of course Margret Thatcher greatly influenced and supported women. Maybe not in the ‘Women Only’ short lists or women quotas’ and the engineered proportionalities of today politically correct tick box support, she did it leading by example. She was a grocers’ daughter who joined the Conservative party, became its first female leader, and won her first general election to become the country’s first female prime minster. She won three consecutive general elections, consecutively increasing her popular vote! Her lifelong work and dedication inspired many, and sorting the nation’s economy supported and saved the future of many from permanent decline.

For women who aspire to break into male dominated professions and those who want to move up the ladder on merit, she is and continues to be to their hero. These women take their inspiration from her drive and achievements, her resolve and meticulous no nonsense can do attitude. She empowered not only women, but minorities everywhere from all backgrounds to believe in themselves and go after their dreams.

People and specially women who say she did not help or further women and their causes are disingenuous. Unless by ‘help and further’ they mean holding women’s hands and expecting men to step aside and make room to allow women to comfortably climb up the ladder….

These women don’t want to be inspired. They want leaders to manipulate the rules and lower the bar for them so they can step up. They want to be equal by inequality. It might give the desired image and statistics but it will never be equal or measured on ability nor will it command the same respect.

I defy any woman who made it via some specialist list or programme in politics or commerce to stand up to a male counterpart and fully feel his equal. If she did she is deceiving no one but herself. Baroness Thatcher and women like her never have to question their equality because they know they got there on merit.

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