Not so fast Mr White, Mitchell is owed a profound apology.

Posted 4 Feb 2013 by Walaa Idris

Andrew Mitchell

Yesterday on the Sunday Politics, Steve White vice chairman of the Police Federation was fast to distance parts of the police and blame the Andrew Mitchell witch-hunt on their organisation being a federation of 43 different bodies. Hinting that the West Midland Federation (then lead by the now deceased Paul McKeever) had the right to sit down with Mitchell and act independently on the findings of their questionings. To Steve White’s credit, he has reiterated that the National Federation did accept Andrew Mitchell’s apology and wanted to move on.

But did they? What about police officers wearing PC Plep t – shirts, someone sanctioned protesting while wearing them? Or regional federations hinting Mitchell lied during his interview with them – when his secret recording proved otherwise? Or when the chairman of the Met Federation encouraged his Twitter followers to fill Andrew Mitchell’s inbox with complaints?

There has clearly been a cleverly organised witch-hunt, with one foot firmly on the ‘we accepted his apology and wanted to move on’ camp while the other is on the ‘kick as hard as you can, see if he jumps’ camp. I fully understand like many other public sectors, the police’s frustration with the cuts and impending reforms. However, I expected better form them. In a country where people are innocent until proven guilty I hoped our police was the first to adhere to that and don’t judge until all the facts are at hand.

Now the facts are hand, their short lived triumph has backfired. Have it on good authority that tonight’s Dispatches will prove this to be so. After four arrests on the Plepgate case, three of whom members of the police, it is high time the Police Federation faced the music.

The Right Honourable Andrew Mitchell MP deserves apologies from them, form the whips office for not 100% believing him, other MPs specially Labour for accusing him without a solid evidence, the Prime Minister’s office for not going the extra mile (I could have done a better, more extensive investigation than they did to find the real truth). They all owe him a profound apology, because they were wrong to disbelieve, discredit and to some extend denounce him.

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2 comment(s)


4 Feb, 21:13

Never believed it from day one. Agree with every word Walaa, second time today, it’s becoming a habit. Am I turning social democrat?!!!


5 Feb, 10:50

You are most definitely in danger of becoming a “social democrat” but I am enjoying the latest spree of ‘you agreeing with me’ and may it continue.

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