What does the EU result tell us?

Posted 27 May 2014 by Walaa Idris

Starting with our own results here in the UK, there is a clear dissatisfaction with the European project. The surge, of anti EU parties all over Europe, on the left and the right has overwhelmed this year’s elections. But more than that their clearly seems to be an anti-establishment revolt and anti-mainstream parties’ support across the European Union.

But why!? Why now, just when Europe’s economies are coming out of the longest peacetime recession voters seem to be so unhappy? What are the causes for that overwhelming dissatisfaction?

Is it migration from within the EU of new ‘eastern’ member nations, or immigration from outside the Continent? Or is it a rise against the ongoing politicising of the EU – a revolt against the powers it gave itself over its member nations? Is it a coup against the powers that dictated stringent austerity and bailout measures while grabbing more overall controls?

Looking at the British story, we originally entered the Union as a trading partnership on a cooperative membership. However, the union of today is fast moving towards political integration and large interference – moving towards more controls from the centre.

The EU that was a positive trading block has suddenly become a political dictator giving itself more powers over its members. Thus suffocating their freedoms and threatening their sovereignty.

Could what we want in the UK (less interference from Europe over internal affairs) be what other members want too? That would explain why fringe anti EU parties did so well at the expense of the mainstream parties all over the union.

The results seem to indicate so.

Whether on the right – wanting more freedom for self-determination, or on the left – aspiring for less control on how to manage their economies, the 2014 European Elections showed Europe is very unhappy with the EU in its current state.

Here, in the UK fewer than 35% of those eligible to vote did. In some regions turnout was barely 30%. Which means ‘overall’ only 1 in 3 people bothered to vote. That in itself is a huge concern!

But what does it say?

It says the media anticipated Ukip earthquake is a mere sand storm in a desert of apathy. It also says 2 in 3 people are now represented by someone they never vote for and probably don’t want to represent then!

That’s the price of apathy

Sadly that also means for the next five years large parts of our nation will be represented by MEPs who their answer to every issue is “Leave the EU“. It means for five years, they will be under the mercy of populism and politics with simple answers to complex questions.

Many people don’t fully understand the power and the importance of their vote. And don’t appreciate that voting is not a right; it’s a privilege – a privilege so dear many fought and died for.


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