Walaa's Weekly Wrap-Up ~ June 15, 2013

Posted 15 Jun 2013 by Walaa Idris

The week was full of events but one stood out and took centre stage. Syria and the west possibly arming the Syrian rebels is by far the most serious and central issue of the week and probably the rest of the year.

If we put to one side, Afghanistan, where the west armed the rebels to fight Russia and it supremely backfired. Iraq where they alleged WMDs to remove Saddam and it cost them, the Iraqis and world dearly. Libya and now Syria…… there is a clear pattern. One many can clearly see, while some pretend it’s all done for the greater good.

Many Middle Eastern and Asian affairs’ observers, especially post Afghanistan and Iraq, are very wary of any involvement with any potential wars in the region. Why? Because they are costly, tend to drag on draining resources not to mention the highest cost of all, human lives on either sides. But most of all many studies and reports have shown that the west’s continues interference with domestic affairs in that region is the biggest catalyst and a major cause for the rise of Al-Qaida and home-grown terrorism.

Yet it seems western leaders are still bent on arming the Syrian rebels. Even though they have no idea who these rebels really are, what are their alliances and if they succeed in removing Assad what will happen to those weapons!!

History is here to teach us. Most people young and old learn from past mistakes, theirs and those of others. Except for westerns leaders it seems. They haven’t fully pulled out form Afghanistan, yet it seems they are now itching to pitch a fight in Syria!

Blow is this week’s blog; it was an eye opener for me hope it helps you too.

It seems we live in two different worlds!

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