Walaa's Weekly Wrap-Up ~ July 13, 2013

Posted 13 Jul 2013 by Walaa Idris

Summer is still here and still going strong.

The week began with Murray winning Wimbledon, we all expected it and he delivered it in three straight sets. Could it be all the sevens? First British man to win the title after 77 years, on the seventh day of the week, the seventh day of the month in the seventh month of the year and the players were born in 1987 seven days apart.

We Muslims think highly of the number seven and tend to believe it’s’ a lucky number. But everyone who watched that match could see all the sevens were just a nice and memorable coincident. Because Andy Murray won that match with pure hard work and determination, he won it because he was the best man standing and it was simply awesome to watch.


Read HERE that some teacher, in the hottest day of the year, denied a school boy water to avoid offending Muslim pupils observing Ramadan!

It’s 2013 for God’s sake, when will this people realise and understand, in Islam, part of fasting is being part of the community you live in and not altering it to suite your duty of observing the holy month – or any other duty for that matter. Fasting is an equalizing and cleansing endurance test for all environments. How can people pass it naturally if the environment has been artificially distorted?

The Quran told us in Rome you do as Romans do – or something to that effect.

Posted twice since the last Weekly Wrap – up and readers liked and visited them in this order

Having a daily meal with fellow students can be a valuable education.
Good riddance Abu Qatada

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