Memorable Moment Number Seven!

Posted 28 Apr 2010 by Walaa Idris

Peter Mandelson in his feeble attempt this afternoon to spin the un-spinable said; “we all from time to time say something that we deeply regret later” – he is right but this remark reeks of hypocrisy – he chatted, and even agreed with Mrs Duffy at times then called her a bigot

It also illustrates and highlights Mr Brown’s personality, as someone who does not own up to his mistakes – blaming his aid and then the reporters for not removing or turning off his microphone and for listening in…. all that reflects badly on the man who want us to elect him five more years!

But most of all it is hypocrisy and it proves all that has been written and said about him by Andrew Rawnsley and those who worked with and for Gordon Brown.

Could it turn his fortunes in the same way Bully Gate did – or is this the end of Gordon Brown – either way time will tell!

However, what ever the out come it is my number seven memorable moment of the 2010General Election.

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