The biggest winner is the people!

Posted 29 Apr 2010 by Walaa Idris

All day everybody has been blogging and talking about is the Leaders Debate – what the leaders should or should not do and say – will Brown mention Gaff-Gate (should he or shouldn’t he) and did he recover from it. Style verses substance – who has which – and which is more important – does it really matter!

Today’s topic is the economy and already Mervyn King (the Governor of the Bank of England) was quoted to have said; “Whichever party wins this election will have to inflict such painful austerity measures on the British population that they will soon find themselves out of power for a generation”

Then after the debate everybody (me included) will decide that their man has preformed the best and won the night. And of course this will continue until next Friday when we it will be time for a whole different kind of debate.

However, in my opinion all three party leaders Brown, Cameron and Clegg have equally won. By accepting and allowing the first ever televised leaders’ debates to take place in our country they have changed to the better our politics for ever. The level of engagement alone is a credit to our leaders and our democracy.

Although all three are winners the biggest thanks goes to Sky and the two Leaders who by accepting they moved our politics to the Twenty First Century. But the biggest winner are the people of Britain who will never see or accept politics the old way.

It is win, win all the way!

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