The Conservatives must be on the right track!

Posted 3 May 2010 by Walaa Idris

Whenever I was picked on or got into arguments I would go home upset and my dad would say “good, you should be happy that people are arguing with you – that means what you’re saying and doing is worthwhile”. I never know whether he really meant it or just said it to make me feel better – but found out later that he meant it. It taught me that people will only argue, disagree and even pick on you if what you are saying and offering is worthwhile and threatens what they are offering and believe in!

David Cameron and the Conservatives are saying a lot of good stuff and offering wonderful innovative solution to the country. What the Tories are saying is hitting home with the electorate and resonating with a lot of voters, which is why they are being viciously attacked by the other parties.

The Tories are on the right track and with a few hours left to polling they should just keep pushing their message strongly and positively on all fronts.

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