Will they ever listen?

Posted 8 Dec 2009 by Walaa Idris

Labour is losing the plot; this Sunday on the Politics Show Ed Milband became agitated and very personal in a climate change debate with Lord Lawson. He called those with opposing views to his view “flat Earthers” (and here I thought Al Gore was too militant about Global Warming and needs to lighten up a little). Mr. Milband looked disgusted that there is a view different to his!

Monday morning John Prescott jumped the gun and twitted “Watching Gordon’s speech and Sky lost sound. Why trust them to do a Leader’s Debate. Thank god for the BBC” hinting that Sky deliberately cut the sound during the Prime Minster’s speech (which was mostly a rerun of previous Tory pledges by the way). It later turned out that there was some electrical jolt and sound was out momentarily during the broadcast affecting all stations including his precious BBC.

Bridget Prentice, the Justice Minister spoke out in support of ‘The Pinkstinks’ pressure group. The group is claiming that young girls are being led up “pink alleys” by stores which target them with presents such as pink fairy wings and princess dresses. Ms. Prentice is supporting their campaign because she is concerned that shops were creating Christmas gifts which were aimed particularly at either girls or boys. WHAT!!!?

Issues such as global warming are very divisive if not handled with care and sensitivity; therefore treating opposite views with disrespect is not helpful. And assuming the worst in people will always result in a negative outcome. To empower children, simply teach them right from wrong help them develop morals to guide them through life, provide them with equal opportunities to achieve their full potential. But most of all love cherish and always encourage and protect them. The best thing the government (any government) can do is get out of the way.

Sadly for Labour they will never accept that the people of Britain are able and very capable of deciding for themselves, and they are much happier when they are left alone and trusted to decide and make their own mind. Scaring people into accepting a view point only puts them off it, and in some cases make them more resistant to accepting it. Name calling intimidation and social engineering are never the answer to a happy and content society, they are a recipe for disaster. Of course not everyone is the same. There are those who need support, guidance and a hand up, and they should be helped and supported. But most people can manage and do better on their own. Most people will only need the tools and resources to help them get to where they want to go. Government meddling in very thing form personal opinions, styles and believes, to how people should behave and bring up their families’ is suffocating, disabling and demoralizing and that can not be good for anyone.

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