At times saying nothing says a lot,

Posted 9 Sep 2010 by Walaa Idris

Learning about Terry Jones, the evangelical Florida pastor, who wants to burn the Koran was not at all a surprise, neither was the retaliatory response by some Islamic militants, to burn the Stars & Strips outside US embassies. Burning the Koran like burning the US flag, although different in sentiments, is not against the law in the United States of America. Both are a guaranteed and protected right by Law and the Constitution of America under the first amendment – Freedom of expression.

However, their timing, which coincides with the anniversary of 9/11, the end of Ramadan and the beginning of a three days Muslim festival, plus the planed march against New York’s Ground Zero Mosque does give cause for concern. Separately these incidents might be a right of self expression, but collectively they are a reflection of an underlying resentment and a feeling of betrayal and dare I say a political motivation is present somewhere there too!

The sad thing in all of this, and what I find very surprising, is they all could have been avoided had a few sensitivities been observed. By, the municipal city of New York, who approved the uses of the building, the proprietors and the organisers who should have anticipated the potential uproar such a build and its uses could cause in this particular location, but most of all by the present, Barack Obama, for endorsing the project and giving it his seal of approval and blessing, when all he could have said, that it was a matter for New York and New Yorkers. But, No, and in true Obama style he had to go and do the ‘liberal’ look at me I defy you all, thing!!

1 comment(s)

Steve Foley

Steve Foley
10 Sep, 10:44

As a Christian I consider the proposed burning of the Koran, a book held sacred by those of the Islamic faith, to be equally offensive as if some extremist Islamist were to urinate on a Crucifix. I pray to God that this American pastor will desist from this action.

I say this to him “WWJD?” (What would Jesus do?)

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