Blackface Politics

Posted 21 Dec 2009 by Walaa Idris

“The Conservatives are the party of inherited wealth, private education and conspicuous affluence.” Sounds like something we heard before, how about this then “If they were to win the election, you would have a mayor of London, chancellor of the exchequer and prime minister all coming from a tiny clique who went out trashing restaurants and left large wodge’s of money to pay for the damage.” This is what the Home Secretary, Alan Johnson said on an interview over the weekend.

I guess the class war is back and is here to stay; it seems that’s how Labour intends to fight the next election! Clearly the Crewe & Nantwich by-election lesson is lost on them, they can not see that class affluence or social standing do not matter to the public and the voters. What matters, what they need is to be put first, what the public wants is be governed and served by someone who cares about them and their welfare.

Mr. Johnson believes that the Crewe act was childish. He went on to say “Crewe was a silly stunt. It lacked humour. It lacked any grace or charm, which is why it deserved to fail.” I agree that it was childish and immature, it backfired because it was plain stupid, not because it lacked charm and grace. It did not work because people disliked it and found it very offensive. This class war is on the same league of blackface and other type of prejudices, that is why people are offended by it. They dislike it because it spells hearted and discrimination (don’t choice them because they are rich, choice us because more of us are not). What a disgrace!

No matter how Labour and Mr. Johnson try to spin their class war it is a very bad idea. It is UN-British and hateful; it says more about Labour and their state of mind than about the Tories and the country.

If Labour is so ethically, morally and intellectually bankrupt, that they have no choice but to sink this low maybe they should just walk away, take some time out to regroup and come back when they can fight clean on issues and things that matter to the people of Britain not nonsense.

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