Let the magic in!

Posted 24 Dec 2009 by Walaa Idris

Now that the serious shopping (there is the after Christmas sales to come of course) is out of the way my advice to heads of households and designated cooks is to take some time out, rest and if you can help it don’t drink coffee or alcohol today. In addition, if you can hit the gym for an hour or go for a run, adrenaline (happy hormones) is a great mode elevator and a natural energy booster. Trust me you are going to need loads of energy and calm tomorrow, particularly if you are having lots of family over. Come tomorrow a rested, pumped up you will glide smoothly through the festive day chores.

During the day, try to not look back, wish or think about what you did, did not do or could have done differently. Remember most your guest will be too pickled to know the difference anyway, plus people will only know what went wrong when you tell them. If they catch you just pretend that is how you intended it to turn out. One year I burned the Turkey (normal people under cook their bird) granted it was impossible to pretend that was intentional, but we had Lebanese from the only place open and will deliver that day. Gratefully the presents trumpeted my cooking.

My advice to everyone is to eat all you can and want and don’t think about your diet (this is Christmas not the New Year). It will only frustrate and hold you back, it might even make a cheater out of you, just think about it only people on diets cheat on their diet! So eat, drink and be Merry ;-))

Enjoy the day your family and the celebrations. Have a very Cheerful and Magical Christmas xx

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