If I was a LibDem MP….!

Posted 4 Dec 2010 by Walaa Idris

…regardless of where I sit in the Commons’ (Front or Back) benches I will cast a Yes or No vote on Thursday. I will listen to my heart and weight all the options with my mind, but nevertheless I will VOTE!

With all the austerity cuts, the strikes and the students’ protests, an abstention might appear alluring and even judicious however in this occasion it’s nothing but a copout, an avoidance of responsibility. Many people will hate the outcome of next week’s vote there’ll also be those who will equally like it, but most everybody will later remember is who sat on the fence. That’s why unless voting will cause detriment to core beliefs and convictions abstaining is never an option in any democracy and especially in such a vote!

1 comment(s)

Steve Foley

Steve Foley
4 Dec, 18:39

I agree. To sit on one’s hands is to duck out of responsibility. Now were I a backbench Lib-Dem MP,(virtually an impossibility as I detest the Lib-Dem Party and all it stands for), I would honour my party’s election pledge and vote against the rise in Tuition Fees. Were I a Lib-Dem Minister in this Coalition I would resign and return to the backbenches and also vote against. Those Lib-Dems who wish to remain as Ministers will have to hold their noses and vote for.

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