When the going gets tough, only the tough keeps going.

Posted 10 Feb 2011 by Walaa Idris

Labour members, activists and grassroots have the right to complain about the coalition plans and polices whether already implemented or those still in the pipe line. As an opposition it’s their duty to hold the government to account plus complaining is something they’re good at and tend to enjoy doing.

However, Tories and Liberal Democrats have no business complaining at anything the coalition government does. Putting to one side the democratic aspect of it and the need to air, share and debate opinions and views, the two parties came together knowing before hand the reasons for their union and the challenges that will bring with it. Moaning about it now is neither practical nor will it help what’s already a very difficult yet critical situation. Plus, it simply just selfish!

The Tories could not have had a solid and sustainable government if it wasn’t for the Liberals. Of course they could have gone it alone and formed a minority government. But it would have been weak, unable to pass anything through parliament and they would have been forced to go back to the electorate in a few short months for a fresh mandate.

The Liberals also, would not be in government (may I also add, for the first time in almost 100 years) if it wasn’t for the Tories and for this coalition. Of course they could have formed a rainbow coalition with Labour and the remaining parties, but then, one – Brown would never have given them equal partnership, and two – they would have had very little concessions from Labour and even less of their policies considered let alone implemented. This scenario too, would have resulted in another election soon after the May general election.

So it looks like, what we currently have, is the best of a not so good situation. Furthermore, every policy, cut, or proposed bill has been previously agreed on by both sides. LibDem members, and according to their own party rules and regulations had before hand voted and agreed on the Coalition plans. The Conservatives on the other hand have done it on faith and trust of their leader and the coalition negotiating team. Tories gave their blessing to the agreement knowing it was somewhat novel and different and due to that novelty at times things can be expected to get a little rocky. No one said or expected this union or the cuts coming were going to be easy and that meant all of us, every body in the country will be affected in one way or another by the coming changes.

This is a five years plan, and the idea that before the first anniversary of the coalition and before much of the cuts and new polices have their full effects people are throwing in the towel is preposterous short sighted madness and does nothing but help the opposition, it gives them ample ammunition and allows them to use those quitters as their fodder.

So what’s it gona be, man up and stay the course or trip and fall at the first hurdle? I know which side I’m on!

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