Cute but also tricky

Posted 25 Mar 2011 by Walaa Idris

When I heard Nick Clegg’s comment ‘If we keep doing this we won’t find anything to ….’ I had two very different reactions. As a citizen I was happy that although the coalition party members might not be 100% on board with everything their leaders’ are saying and doing – the two leaders are genuinely in harmony with each other on and off stage. It was comforting to know they are undoubtedly putting personal feelings aside to do what’s best for the country – because if we are to bring the country back from the edge of collapse personal agendas have to take a back seat and that unplanned comment was evident to that fact.

My second feeling was for their members and grassroots who already are very concerned this partnership is diluting the parties. Clegg was right; at this rate there will be less and less to separate the two parties come the next general election. We know in many countries different parties go into coalitions and easily stand as separate entities during elections and in this country it has been done many times on the local level – but it is still all new to us on the national level – and even though it seems peculiar now the hope still remains that it won’t be by 2015.

Of course between now and then Labour will capitalise on it all they can and who’d balm them, just remember “he who laughs last laughs best!”

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