Ed Miliband needs to learn how to major on the majors….

Posted 29 Jun 2011 by Walaa Idris

….and minor on the minors! Otherwise he will always be going against the grain – against the public mood.

Today’s PMQs was interesting but in a peculiar way. As tomorrow’s major industrial action is on every mind many were surprised that Miliband did not even mention the strike during Prime Minster’s Questions. Yet he choice to focus on the NHS and tried to score points with his new thing “details” – which although both (NHS and details) are important his timing was totally off and it just made him look geeky and weak.

Particularly as those who will tomorrow hold our country hostage are the same people who crowned him leader a year ago and bankroll his party. Miliband should at least have given the issue one question. Unless, as Cameron put it, he was scared because they are funding his party!

Speaker Bercow also caught my attention – for some reason he seemed exceptionally angry today and to some extent even rude – any idea what was that all about?

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