After two debates the choice is now very clear

Posted 13 Oct 2012 by Walaa Idris

Biden and Ryan

Material and performance wise, the only Vice Presidential debate this election was not an earth-shattering occasion. Nonetheless, it was a very revealing event.

Paul Ryan, the younger of the two candidates in the debate, gave a solid statesmanlike performance; he showed a veteran’s command of knowledge and the situation. His delivery was on point; body language and demeanor were measured and befitting both the office he aims to hold and the occasion. And his answers where full and direct despite the relentless interruptions from the vice president and the facilitator.

Office holder, seasoned politician and sitting candidate, Vice President Joe Biden on the other hand, showed extreme rudeness and poor judgment. In a premeditated and calculated attempt, from the Obama camp, to throw Senator Paul Ryan off his game, Mr. Biden kept interrupting and talking over Senator Ryan and the moderator. And as if that was not disturbing enough, throughout the debate he hysterically laughed at everything. The U.S Vice President, laughed at every issue, including the dreadful Benghazi attack that left four Americans dead!

Last week President Obama appeared disengaged and had poor command of his brief. This week the Vice President was juvenile, obnoxious, and blatantly lied about their failures!

With one debate left and under a month to go before polling day, putting to one side this administration’s, America has a choice to make. A choice between a serious team who cares what is best for the United States and Americans at home and abroad, and a risky pair, a detached unsure team who only cares about securing a second term at any cost.

I don’t have a vote.

But if I had one, I will give it to the team who can manage my economy, national security and international standing in the global community.

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