Chris Huhne and Vicky Pryce, the saga continues.

Posted 8 Mar 2013 by Walaa Idris

Huhne and Pryce 2

When Brad Pitt left Jennifer Aniston for Angelina Jolie, he divided their fan base into two camps – Camp Jennifer and Camp Angelina. Until today, years and many kids later, some still don’t like him for leaving America’s sweetheart for the blood vial wearing, brother snogging Jolie. Chris Huhne is no Brad Pitt, but he and Vicky Price have divided opinions and sympathies.

Before I go further, I would like to say what the pair did is wrong and stupid. Three points on a driving licence and a possible driving ban, ten or even fifty years ago is/was never worth all this agro. It was juvenile of both, and to start with, it showed they never really were any good for each other. A husband and wife are a team and a good team supports and empowers one another not deliberately destroy each other. Huhne, in a moment of panic asking his then wife to cover for him is natural yet selfish. But a loving, wise and confident woman/partner would have recognised the ramifications and the possibility of it all blowing up one day, said no and lovingly explained why.

What happened cannot be undone now, but the fallout from it can and should be managed. In life we learn from mistakes, both ours and others. Huhne’s mistake was asking his wife to lie for him and Pryce’s was accepting and in a moment of revenge go to the papers and expose both of them. But she didn’t stop there, did she? It seems in court she tried to drag everyone down to justify her inexcusable mistake. Ignoring that two wrongs don’t make a right – a fact any intelligent person would have realised.

Up to yesterday, the story was a typical case of husband leaves wife for another woman; wife seeks revenge by exposing marital secrets. Only now she is dragging important people she claims she told and knew about her taking the three points for him. No one knows for sure what the whole truth is but now we know she is a woman who will avenge herself at all costs.

Whatever sentence the judge passes on these two, the sentence Vicky Pryce passed on the LibDems is harsher and more damaging. Because now every journalist in the land will try to dig deeper into what the Cables, Miriam Clegg and other prominent LibDems and non-Libs knew and when they knew it.

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