D - Day for Obama and the Dems!

Posted 1 Nov 2010 by Walaa Idris

American Flag & Eagle

No one two years ago or even this time last year, expected the Democrats after their landslide victory in November 08 might lose any of the houses this year, so much so some even predicted that it will be 40 years before the Republicans see either house again!

Look how well that turned out.

Personally I blame it on the politics of conceit and audacity, but mostly it is because in the euphoria of hope and change many voters in 08 did not know really what they were hoping for or changing into.

I’ve said it before, and will continue to stand by it.

“America is inherently Conservative with the occasional liberal streak here and there on either coasts, but in the middle and at the heart of it folks are God fearing, neighbour loving, community caring individuals who work hard and mind their own business. But also pride them selves in being leaders of the free world, die for their country and its freedom – they are do-gooders who will give a hand if and when needed.”

To elect a president who ideologically wants to wipe most of that out and replace it with a larger more powerful far reaching government was never going to sit well with most Americans. Especially, as form day one and for the majority of the past two years, all the Obama administration seemed to care about is the ‘ObamaCare’ project, when the real focus should have been the economy and jobs, which some parts of the country are still in dire need for.

Add to that, the feeling that the US is not and does not want to be a world leader, and is more interested in bowing down to Saudi Kings and hanging around with Communist dictators rather than facing them down, toning down its language to appease the enemy rather than standing up for the weak not to mention burning bridges that past Democrat and Republican presidents built and worked hard for years to maintain.

All of that with the slow and deliberate de-Americanisation project they embarked on, have made Middle America very nervous and concerned about their own national identity, hence the Tea Party movement, which on the face of it is a one issue movement but the notion of work hard and pay your taxes – enjoy the fruits of your labour and stand up for justice are as American as Apple Pie.

Tomorrow’s vote is as much a referendum on Obama as it is American saying enough already!

However and on a personal note, I would like to take this opportunity and which all Republican and Tea Party candidates running in tomorrow’s election the very best of luck and God Bless You All!

1 comment(s)

Brian Moylan

Brian Moylan
1 Nov, 14:55

We understand entirely Walaa.

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