What do incidences such as RBS and Bombardier say about Labour?

Posted 30 Jan 2012 by Walaa Idris

Never ever trust them!

Because when in government they’ll do, say and sign anything that keeps them in office – and when they are out of office, they’ll say, do and sign anything to get back in office!

In their chronic obsession to appeal to people of all political hues, they discarded their core believes and values and lost their identity. In the past twenty years we watched as Labour twisted and turned all over the place to get elected, but once in office, they didn’t have a clue what to do next. So continued to twist and turn some more. No wonder they can’t keep track of what they said or did in any given time!

They stand now an empty shell that represents nothing yet stands for everything as long as it is popular and on trend. Anything, from awarding bank bounces and Knighthoods, then denouncing them – rejecting austerity measures the whole country needs and wants then accepting them – and today Ken Livingston promised if elected as London Mayor to work with LibDems when less than a year ago he described them as “a venal sub-species”. Labour politicians have turned appeasement and jumping on the latest bandwagon into an art form.

Don’t get me wrong, there are still some conviction Laborites who wholeheartedly believes in the Labour cause and its values but unfortunately none of them is on the front-line or leading the party and until then we better prepare for pages and pages of Labour’s ever growing hypocrisy.

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1 comment(s)


30 Jan, 16:24

Haha here speaks an angry tory,angry that Labour & Ed Miliband in particular led public opinion on the Hester bonus issue.

A few points………

The bonus was discrentionary not mandatory so the govt as majority shareholders in the RBS could have blocked it & now Osborne is saying he is glad Hester isn’t taking the bonus but why did he allow it to be offered in the first place? the govt have so been found wanting on this but all you can do is attack Labour yet even Boris Johnson agreed with Labour & the vast majority of the British public.

The time has come for politicians to stop talking all the time about responsible capitalism & take some action.Ed Miliband took action,Stated there would be a vote on the bonus & just look what happened!

Walaa you have retweeted Boris Johnson welcoming Hester not taking his bonus but how come not Ed Miliband? Thats hypocrisy

Will Hutton says its a very key moment in the banking bonus culture,i so hope so. I don’t mind modest bonuses if targets are met but Hestor failed on all the targets for lending to small businesses the very businesses that will get us out of recession. If i don’t reach all my targets i get no bonus & that applies to most people in bonus related jobs so why should bankers be any different?

As for labour chopping & changing ideas,thats politics Walaa come on,How many U Turns has this current govt done?

Well done Labour & most of all Ed Miliband! #Labourwin :) MORE PLEASE!

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