Walaa's Weekly Wrap-Up ~ May 11, 2013

Posted 11 May 2013 by Walaa Idris

Did this week go by very fast or is it me? One minute it was Monday, next it was Thursday and before log the week was over.

This week I became elated. On Monday I wrote an open letter to David Cameron asking him to reinstate Nadine Dorries, and two days later she gets the Conservative whip back. I know one have nothing to do with the other but, nonetheless I’m proud of my timing.

Cameron featured again on Friday, this time I said what I have been thinking for a long time. He is not perfect however he is the best PM for the country and the best leader the party had since Thatcher. But can you tell men or even Theresa May that?

Politicians are a rare breed of people. They promise the public they are in it for others and making a difference yet routinely demonstrate they are in it for themselves, their personal advancement and self-ego. And have the nerve to get extremely upset when its pointed out to them!

Despite the showers, hayfever is still kicking my behind and I am still miserable (with the sneezing, itchy and runny eyes). Can do with a proper British rain to wash the pollen away.

Until next week, via visits and hits, this week readers and visitors rated posts as follow;

Open letter to David Cameron asking him to reinstate Nadine Dorries as a Conservative MP
Three points I feel will either make or break our party.
Think we all need to take a minute and a long deep breath.
What an interesting day!

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