Winners and losers ~ Thursday June 27, 2013

Posted 27 Jun 2013 by Walaa Idris

Today’s losers are people, predominately lefties, who hijack an issue, rename and redefine it. They do it to incite commotion and hopefully either kill or transform it beyond all recognition.

It happened with the ‘spare room subsidy benefit’ which the left dubbed ‘the bedroom tax’ now even some who work in government departments refer to the cut as the bedroom tax , when it is not even a tax.

I see the same happening with an item on the Alternative Queen’s Speech. The ‘Face coverings (Probation) bill, prohibit the wearing of certain face covering – but lefties have dubbed it ’Ban the burqa’ bill.

It is clever. As it gives them the upper hand while puts the other side on a permanent defence mode.

So, maybe there should be a bill for not twisting the meaning of other peoples’ words for political capital, but then, where is the fun in that?

But it still makes them losers.


Nadine strikes again.

Ultimate respect to Ms Dorries today’s winner. You have to give it to her. She has proved she’s a no nonsense woman, a doer and not a just a talker.

For some time now, Nadine, like many MPs has been unimpressed with IPSA, the current expenses system. But unlike most she decided to take the bull by the horn and do more than just write a blog, an article or simply take to the airwaves complaining about it. And took a historic stance.

In her blog she wrote: “Whilst I draw personal expenses I cannot argue for reform of the system or put forward the case to scrap expenses. Not drawing expenses puts me in a stronger position to be able to do this.” Then announced that from the end of July she will draw no personal expense.

Read her full post plus a link of her statement HERE

Go Nadine Go!

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