Walaa's Weekly Wrap-Up ~ September 21, 2013

Posted 21 Sep 2013 by Walaa Idris

Before the silly season ended and the conference season properly got underway. It all kicked off. Midweek the LibDems finished their conference with a go and prepare for government closing speech from a very a defiant and triumphed kingmaker, Nick Clegg.

The only problem with his ‘vote Liberal Democrats because we are in a permanent hung parliament territory’ is it relies 100% on one scenario, a hung parliament. What if one party wins outright? He will be back fighting for third place with non-other than UKIP.

It was great to watch all that confidence but I am sure many, non Libs, were secretly charged up to give him and his yellow brigade a good kick up the proverbial come 2015 after UKIP whip them out in 2014.


Poor UKIP, the poor things had only one day to set out their stall and show case their party. Prove to the rest of the country they are not a bunch of misogynist, racist fruit cakes, and what happens? Godfrey Bloom, the Bongo, Bongo man himself, at a fringe meeting calls women who don’t clean behind their fridges’ sluts. Then proceeds to physically attack, hitting over the head, Channel Four’s Michael Crick because he asked him why there are only white faces on UKIP’s main conference pamphlet, when the party claims it’s representative of the whole nation. All Crick did was ask why aren’t there any black faces? And for that he was called a racist and physically abused.

The conference is over and the nation is now ready for an earthquake caused by UKIP in next year’s EU elections.

Oh, we also know that Mr Bloom who for now is not a UKIP member, thinks women who don’t clean properly are sluts and anyone who questions him will get a beating.

Makes you wonder what happens to the women in his life when they don’t clean behind their fridges or talk back?


Another person I feel sorry for, not really if I’m honest, is Damian McBride. He wrote a book, sort of an expose about his time in Number Ten and timed its release with the Labour Party conference only to be upstaged by 1) Bloom and UKIP kicking off and 2) Ed Miliband promising if elected to abolish the spare room subsidy. Now that Bloom had the whip withdrawn, all everyone is talking about is how Miliband and his clan will fund their gift to the voters.

Which brings me nicely to why people don’t trust politics and politicians, because they believe politicians will say and promise anything thing to get votes. And will equally use any excuse to get-out of delivering those promise. We saw it happen in the Tuition Fees, Boundary Changes, giving a Referendum on the EU……

Promises, promises is what politics is all about, some the voters get but most the politicians hope they will forget.


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