Walaa's Weekly Wrap-Up ~ October 5, 2013

Posted 4 Oct 2013 by Walaa Idris

This week, I shall start backwards.

Firstly, I agree 100% with Benedict Brogan’s description of Cameron’s conference speech. It was confident, well-delivered and intellectually compelling.

Unlike Clegg and Miliband, who only talked to their core audience, in his conference speech, David Cameron talked to the nation. He talked to everyone, conservatives and non-conservatives alike. Some would say, but he is the prime minster. And that’s the main difference between him and the others. He is the Prime Minster, but also looks and acts prime ministerial. Neither Miliband nor Clegg possesses the gravities or the authority needed to run this country. Cameron on the other hand has both in abundance. It was evident in his interviews, conference speech, his team and his demeanour.


My father is no longer with us, his memory, his name and his deeds are precious to me and I will be livid if anyone said anything unsavoury about him. So Ed Miliband’s anger at the Daily Mail is understandable. However, he cannot solely blame the Mail for digging or commenting on his father’s past, because he continuously mentions his dad and the influence he had on him and his politics.

It’s a case of having your cake and eating it too. As unfortunate as it is, truth be said, it was Miliband that started it all.

By breaking the cardinal rule of politics, and continuously mentioning his father in every political speech. Ed Miliband has put his dad front and centre, and exposed him to discussion. Politicians who don’t want to use their families don’t mention, reference or parade them. Miliband did them all.


This tweet was born out of a general feeling which I am sure is shared by many.

It seems these days, if you are a Jew, a Muslim, gay, a woman or ethnic any negative comment written or said about you can be seen as anti-Semitic, Islamphobic, homophobic, sexist or racist….,

With the exception of white, Christian, straight men, everybody it seems is easily offended and their human rights are infringed upon at a drop of a hat.

So much so, that within seconds of twitting it, I was defriended on Facebook by someone who though even thinking along those is offensive!

Some commented that this group (white Christian, straight men) runs the country, owns most of its businesses and therefore can handle whatever is thrown at them and don’t need defending or protecting.

I find that attitude in itself a problem and it is the reason political correctness is rife in our country today. It seems, in our quest to be fair to minorities, we overlooked and to some extend suppressed other justices. And unless equality and fairness are exercised across the board and without exception, we will always have a crisis of trust and understanding between the different groups.

I do hope, now that we are finally able to talk about immigration without being labelled racist, when needed, minorities are criticised without it being seen as anything but a healthy debate and difference of opinion.


And finally,

Elated that it is no longer considered Right-wing to propose restrictions on immigration or to reform and cap welfare, it seems lefties are finally coming to their senses. However, can’t help but question. Are they really coming to their senses, or are they just preparing for the election?

Enjoy your weekend; I am off to Birmingham to help with a new and exciting project, will share more about it in the coming weeks.

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