Walaa's Weekly Wrap-Up ~ November 16, 2013

Posted 16 Nov 2013 by Walaa Idris

Last weekend I didn’t post my Saturday usual, because I had a 09.00 TickIT meeting in Birmingham. I like to think I am diligent and committed enough to get up at 05.00 and do both, but I like my sleep.

So leaving at 06.45 was all I could muster that morning.

As we move closer to May 2015 the lines between the parties seem to become clearer. But let’s not allow that separation and renewed promises sidestep the facts. Because these facts are our history and as George Santayana said: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

While Labour is exercising selective amnesia or all together denying their involvement in any wrong doing, in the dumbing down of schooling and damage to the education system, or in exercising deliberate open door immigration to suite their purposes or overlooking neglect in the health and social care services out of sheer incompetence…..

While Labour continues to pretend that their 13 years in office were good for Britain, and the only wrong is the reforms put together and implemented by a ‘out of touch’ coalition government…….

While conveniently they bury their heads in the sand, Michael Gove is fixing the education system. Theresa May is monitoring, managing and controlling immigration. Jeremy Hunt is cleaning up the NHS. Iain Duncan Smith is sorting out the welfare and benefits system. Plus it was a LibDem policy that in the toughest economic period lifted millions out of paying income tax before earning £10,000.

All are champions working hard for Britain and building an aspiration self-reliant proud to be a part of nation.

Labour must never forget what they did to this nation’s economy, social welfare, immigration system, aspersion and self believe. Britain must always remember what 13 years of Labour have done to it.

We are finally, albeit slowly, coming out on the other side. But we must always remember it was Labour that sold our gold cheap; mismanaged the economy, left no money in the banks, did not invest in proper infrastructure, created a culture of dependency, destroyed the education system, the NHS, and Social Services.

We must always remember that it was Labour that killed aspiration.

While in office, they neglected to build sufficient housing even when they opened our doors to everyone, did not repatriate laws from the EU or stand up for human injustices around the world. It was Labour politicians who befriended known dictators and turned a blind eye when it suited them.

All I am saying is just SHUT UP! We were all their and saw what you did and didn’t do.

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