With two month to go,

Posted 6 Mar 2010 by Walaa Idris

The election is still wide open; it is a case of who dares wins now. With the leaders debate under way, as much as we might hate it, the personalities – strength, ability to self deprecate and own up to past flaws and short coming plus of course character – are going to be centre stage.

Most politics have a central message that defines and sets it apart. Like most things sometimes that message needs to evolve with time. But there are also core ideas that no matter what happen they stand the time. These ideas though understood, sometimes they need to be communicated separately clearly and with a little more emphasis than usual.

Now – with 8 weeks to a General Election – is time to be bold and give the voters what they need where they need it. Every seat and region is unique with its own sets of issues and so are its requirements.

I was elated yesterday when ConHome in their ToryDiary segment announced that CCHQ
has approved a strong immigration message, it was vital and timely. Immigration might be a non issue for some parts of the country and some liberals might even see it as improper to talk about. But it is very appropriate and central in many parts of our country and not talking about it is suicidal because it opens the door to extreme politics, which is neither proper nor appropriate for our times.

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