Labour is in a muddle,

Posted 7 Mar 2010 by Walaa Idris

At first Labour were so righteous about Lord Ashcroft’s Tax status. So much so they turned the whole thing into a ‘legal’ party political issue. Now that the Ashcroft tax status is out in the open, while their own Non Dom donors’ (Lord Paul and the rest) status is still unclear!! Harriet Harman – the loudest voice in the Labour ranks – has said on Sunday AM; “Lord Paul’s tax affairs are his business”!!!!!!

But isn’t that what every body except YOU have been saying all alone!? That people’s tax affairs are theirs and the tax man’s business alone!

This goes to show that Labour, Harman et al, will say and do anything to stay in office!

But it also points to a more serious matter, they are in a muddle, and therefor will continue to attack – keep throwing mud some might just stick – for the sake of attacking. They also belief that as long as they keep shouting the loudest and making the most noise the focus will be off them.

But why use playground tactics in a grownups game?

Clearly Labour is confused and is all over the place. They are exhausted and out of touch but don’t and can’t let go. If they take a step back to examine them self and their ability to coherently run this country – they will see they have run out of road and fuel – they will see that (in the civilised world) you can not have one rule for yourself and an opposite rule for those you are leading.

Unfortunately, that is exactly what Labour is doing – and has been doing for a while now. That is why Harriet Harman – with straight face – can say; “Labour Peers are different….” and expect them to be regarded and treated as such!

The concern is. Can this out of touch government honestly say they can manage the affairs of the good people of Britain? Are they even ‘mentally’ stable to rationally decide what is right for the country? Furthermore, can the people of Britain in all honesty endure another five years of this, another five years Labour?

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