Listen to Iain Dale!

Posted 8 Mar 2010 by Walaa Idris

Iain Dale

The most appropriate and timely blogpost was posted this morning by Iain Dale – no surprise there!

Like many people I read with interest Iain’s blog daily sometimes even more than once. Today’s post was exciting and poignant, because it had all the ingredients we need to march the troops up the hill and ready them for the battle ahead.

The thought as he puts it “Just imagine how you would feel on May 7th to wake up to find the country faced another five years of Gordon Brown?” send shivers through my spine – and not in a good way.

A friend of mine swore if Brown wins this election he will move away – because he can not have another five years of this, another five years of Gordon Brown – well my friend is a very lucky man because he has an option!

I, on the other hand – like most in the country – am not and can not go any where. That means we have to buckle down and win this election. I have to win not only for me but for my mother the widow pensioner, my sister the small business owner, and my girls who before they borrowed a penny and before they worked a day are weighted down with Gordon Brown’s debt.

To echo Iain’s words we must “Fight, Fight & Fight Again to Save the Country We Love”

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