Please, Give me a break!

Posted 16 May 2010 by Walaa Idris

I wonder how long will it be before the media and the pundits tire from casting a negative shadow on this coalition while, there are none!?

A few facts most of us know – in any partnership there is an element of give, take and compromise. To reach this coalition Cameron had to compromise – some might think too much but the prize was a Conservatives government after 13 years of exile. The same people will think the LibDems were given too much in proportion to their size in the Commons – but what did the LibDems have to lose by not being in this coalition at this particular time? Nothing, they have been bench warmers for the last 100 years so what’s 10 or 20 years more!?

The problem as I see it is the media and the pundits (like everybody else including the politicians) find this new form of government intriguing and they don’t know what to do with it. So they decided to unpick it, not because they don’t like it but because they can not comprehend it!

As for Cameron being “weak and not standing his ground”, please, give me a break! How can he be weak if he brokered a coalition that allows him to government for 5 years and permits him during that time to dump all unachievable polices and at the same time giving him a partner to share with the blame for everything that happens during those 5 years!

As for the Tories, most did not wanted this result, and many are not too crazy about the coalition – but since stuff happens – they understand this coalition is the best of two evils. Conservatives pride themselves by love of country and sense of duty and these believes are at the core of every action they take, always reflected in the way they operate!

2 comment(s)

Sally Roberts

Sally Roberts
16 May, 20:03

I think David Cameron has actually shown his strength! The forces ranged against the success of the Coalition are an unholy alliance comprising the Labour Party and their fellow-travellers who haven’t left the Lib Dems yet, and the unreconstructed head-bangers of the Right, comprising mainly the KIPPERS and their fellow-travellers within our Party. They must not be allowed to win their fight against common sense and a Government of dialogue and listening.


16 May, 20:11

I can see more of a problem when it comes to foreign policy. The EU, the Iran issue, how to deal with the current Afghan troubles. However, also, immigration, nuclear power & tax policies will be difficult to come to a compromise amongst Lib & Tory cabinet members, and even more so, back benchers.

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