Behind the great woman there was a greater man!

Posted 2 Dec 2009 by Walaa Idris

Margret & Dennis Thatcher

Last weekend I listened to the Saturday play ‘A Family Affair’ on Radio 4. It is a Michael Dobbs’ play that follows Margaret Thatcher’s last days in office seen from the perspective of her husband, Dennis, and her family.
The play was a moving and tender account of a momentous time in our history. Although fictional it was very real and raw in its interpretation of what took place behind the scenes in the corridors of power. Interesting as it was at times it was difficult to stomach.

But it got me thinking about Sir Dennis Thatcher who was played by Stephen Moore. Sir Thatcher was a rare and exceptional man; unlike many (even in the 21st century) he happily and comfortably took a back seat to advance his wife’s prospects. He did not care about being in her shadows, continuously and tirelessly supporting her with genuine love and encouragement always cheering her along the way. The popular saying; “behind every great man there is a great woman” can not easily translate to “behind every great woman there is a great man” except in Dennis Thatcher’s case it is a perfect fit.

Although the play was fictional, a dialogue between the great lady and Sir Dennis on their last visit to Chequers struck a note with me. The dialogue was heart warming, gentle and enduring but also true and very real; it actually mirrored vividly my image of Dennis Thatcher. What he said is a perfect description and illustration of how a lot of people will remember the great lady.
Enjoying her last hours as Prime Minster of Britain, she turned to him between sobs and said; “They destroyed me”.
He replied “You’ve won! In a few years every single one of that back stabbing pygmies you call a cabinet will be forgotten. And the only name they’ll remember will be yours. They can stick pins in you but can never touch your place in history. Every one over stays their welcome, of course they do, but it is what you did while you where there that matters. And what you did measures up against anyone who ever walked through those doors, Winston included. You are not losing Chequers or Downing Street; you’ll always be a part of it. You are Margret bloody Thatcher, first woman prime minister they can never take that away from you”

Brilliant, just brilliant, I could not help getting a little emotional and even had to fight back a tiny tear. She is most definitely and unequivocally the best prime minister our county had, and Dennis is right …they can never touch her place in history.

P.S. I apologise if I mistakenly mis-quoted the writer anywhere in the passage. If so, it was not intentional.

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