The politics of scapegoating needs to go!

Posted 17 Aug 2010 by Walaa Idris

Those who insist in comparing the past “Thatcher” economically and socially with today are simply narrow-minded! Time has changed so much and so fast since then, that we can not honestly draw an accurate conclusion from the past except in the historical sense. The demographics, the issues and the challenges that face us today have very small parallel not to mention the global powers and the trade and industry shifts and alignments are completely different.

History is there for us to learn from it, the good and the bad, but learning is neither constantly comparing nor simply copying, learning is taking the good with the bad and coming up with the great, with what’s suitable for today and solid to build on tomorrow.

The blame game is easy, and sometimes even an effective political sport, but there comes a time when the answers need to have within them a solution.

Like many Conservatives of my generation, I am guilty of admiring Thatcher, but I am not blind in seeing that she was not perfect. For the left to constantly harp on about the Thatcher Era whenever they are short of answers reflects on their lack of farsightedness more than the great lady’s time of reign. It is time for the left to wake up and smell the coffee!

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