Too far, too much, and too ugly!

Posted 23 Aug 2010 by Walaa Idris

The weekend was full of events, although considered minor by some they were very telling. Labour leaking a fabricated six high level defections from the LibDems to them – then the Liberals retaliating by spreading rumours about Ed Miliband quitting his leadership race to join their party – while far fetched, timing wise – some people did a double take when they heard the rumour.

But the most telling thing of all was the stench of chaos and desperation coming from the Labour party. For Ed Miliband, at a husting, to tell party members “we have to make the Lib Dems an endangered species – and then extinct”. Is tasteless, deplorable and he should apologies for saying it.

It is understandable, for Labour to go through this turmoil; losing is a bereavement, first comes denial, then anger and rage and finally acceptance. However wishing the LibDems extinction is tasteless regardless how hard things are in the Labour Party at the moment!

Did I mention Ed Miliband should apologies, he should really apologise!

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