The two Eds are out!

Posted 2 Sep 2010 by Walaa Idris

According to Tony Blair, the Labour leadership is a three horse race, between the two Miliband brothers and Ed Balls. If the Labour party members agree with him, then the obvious Labour leader is David Miliband. It also explains why Ed Balls was so miffed this morning.

In the three years since Blair left office, he kept deliberately very quite and out of UK politics. He told Andrew Marr in last night’s interview, that he knew how it felt to be judged by former leaders, and he did not want to be that person. Staying away all this time and only appearing to help his party during the general election gives him a lot of credence.

If Labour membership felt the same way he did, and elected David Miliband for leader, our politics will become even more interesting – with similarish three main party leaders, two of whom in coalition, ruling and officially working together and the third agreeing with everything they say and do – oh what fun!

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2 comment(s)

David Morris

David Morris
3 Sep, 01:16

Something worth thinking about is who the candidates would pick as their Shadow Cabinet. Ed Balls seems to want the Shadow Chancellor job, but will he get it? I’ve also heard that alan Johnson wants to stay involved.


3 Sep, 15:33

he also fits the role (like his mentor before him) but I am sure whoever wins will not touch him with a ten foot poll.

However, to keep face they will give wifey some role!

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