Timing is everything!

Posted 4 Sep 2010 by Walaa Idris

Most things in life are decided by timing, the only difference is whether that instant was natural, as when things happen by accident, right time right place that sort of thing, or manmade, wait for the right moment to make something happen!

In the case of Andy Coulson vs Labour it is most definitely the later!

If we look objectively at the evidence, its timing and those who are behind proving its validity …., a pattern quickly emerges!

We have Alan Johnson the former Home Office Secretary ‘kindly’ offering to help in a matter that he could have dealt with before the election. Lord Prescott, the longest serving Labour DP and the loudest mouth in the Party, is now putting pressure on the Met, by threatening to sue them, not to mention Tessa Jowell and others jumping on the band wagon too…, the list reads like a who is who of the left!?

All because the timing is right, a new government is in place, with a new and formidable Communications Director at Number Ten, and a Labour party who is focused on derailing this Coalition at any cost, simply because they can not accept that they have lost the election!

But the problem Labour now faces, yet seems to, conveniently and possibility deliberately ignore is “if they find something” how will the public know it is real? And furthermore, why did they, Labour, not make the same collective and energetic effort in going after the truth when they were in office!? If they did not care then why should anybody listen or trust that they do now!?


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