Surprise, Surprise!

Posted 16 Sep 2010 by Walaa Idris

Reuters reporting that three – quarters of people they surveyed put Labour and the Conservatives neck and neck at 37%, is not surprising, this time of the year is always tricky to correctly predict and read and will become even more difficult to read during the three main conferences.

But what I found surprising is Nick Clegg’s popularity, according to Nicolas Cecile in the Evening Standard. He found Clegg more popular amongst the Tories than with his own party members!

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2 comment(s)

David Morris

David Morris
16 Sep, 16:49

I don’t know why the pollsters are pothering at the moment.

Labour are without a leader and we’re still unsure about who’s going to get those all-important second preferences in the leadership election and win. Depending on who is elected, the support could go way up or way down.


18 Sep, 10:58

;-)) but where is the fun in that! Until the conferences season is over, we’ll continue to have silly season news.

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