It will be personal, this time!

Posted 6 Oct 2010 by Walaa Idris

Enjoying Birmingham and Conference and of course seeing many old friends and meeting and making new ones. Have been to a few fringe meetings and one Freedom Association event. The over all mood is up beat, warm and optimistic. I was standing and chatting with a friend when suddenly DC, Sam and the baby walked by yesterday (that was my star struck moment), I saw Francis (Maude) on his mobile, we waved, Jeremy (Hunt) talking to delegates in three separate occasions (in one day), we exchanged smiles, Oliver Letwin lost and looking for some street, I was lost too so we awkwardly smiled, and many more cabinet members and MPs around the venue and early this morning in the watering hall (the Haytt Bar) all Champagneless by the way.

But somehow every fringe and party I attended the MP or Minster was either held up somewhere else (and ended up skipping my event) or had to pull out last minutes for a “more pressing” event.

Today my main and only planed event is listening to the Prime Minster and our leader, David Cameron speak – I hope he is not running late and if he is, there isn’t anything more pressing than the closing speech he needs to do, because I might just take it personal this time!

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