Which one of you angered it?

Posted 11 Oct 2010 by Walaa Idris

A blogger has definitely angered Marr. I had a fairly busy day – but with Twitter on the go I was up to date with most happenings – God Bless Twitter and of course my Blackberry.

So was aware that Andrew Marr has insulted every bloggers – but what I was not aware of is how insulting his remarks were until I got back!

Shock, Horror – and this came from a man that I though although not the most fair interviewer around nevertheless he was a sensible man.

I can handle the inadequate (although a bit harsh), pimpled (occasionally I get one or two) plus I am single so no harm there either. But to go down the school play ground physical descriptions “….., slightly seedy, bald, cauliflower-nosed young men sitting in their mother’s basements and ranting…..”!!

What was he thinking – never mind that – what was he drinking?

And excuse me but isn’t Andrew Marr about 5 foot nothing, 110lbs not to mention he is blessed with a pair of Will Smith ears holding on to a very, very bolding hair line only interrupted with some orange fuss in the middle of his forehead – two can play at this game!

2 comment(s)


15 Oct, 14:43

I find many political blogs to be far more sincere and less reliant on the official press releases and edited autocue notes that Andrew Marr most likely uses. Also, my replies are read and responded to; I can engage in debate with a blogger in a way that I cannot with Mr. Marr.

I sometimes agree, I sometimes disagree. Either way, Walaa…keep on blogging!


15 Oct, 15:11

Thanks and I will do my best to keep it up – which should be easy as I enjoy it!

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