Coalition Test Number One!

Posted 11 Oct 2010 by Walaa Idris

I can’t help but feel for the Liberal Democrats, only a few weeks ago they were the Kingmakers, the fresh face of UK politics and coalition pioneers – even though it is not the first ever coalition – but you get the picture. Since the TVs debates the country and the media went into LibDem mania!

But as the saying goes “with opportunity comes responsibility” their opportunity came along during the leadership debate and then peaked in May when for the first time in over almost a century they had a real chance to be in government, to deliver and implement some policies. Now, less than six month down the line, after seeing the books and the true state of the county’s economy comes the responsibility, responsibility to the country and what’s best for it and also responsibility to their grassroots and voters, who to start with are not a 100% happy with all things Coalition – also they are responsible to their pledges, their promises and ideals!

Tomorrow, the Browne Report is out, it is expected to lift the cap on University Tuition Frees – which the LibDems pledged not to increase – and since the Business Secretary, Vince Cable has already ruled out a graduate tax – it will be interesting to see how the two parties will work this one out and if there is going to be a rank and file revolt by the liberals? Even the Prime Minster this morning, has admitted it will be “very difficult” for Nick Clegg to sell this to his party!

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