A couple of firsts!

Posted 15 Nov 2010 by Walaa Idris

While cruising, the blogosphere as I do every morning, I came across this post from my blogging mentor; mentor because Iain is someone I look up to when it comes to blogging, and pick his brains whenever I get the chance. Before even reading the post I had a good idea where he was going with it plus it’s no secret where Iain stood with regards to the Phil Woolas affair- still the post made it even clearer as to why!

Nevertheless, in this occasion I think Iain is wrong; first of all, and as I understand it, the court did not rule on the election or its outcome but punished Mr Woolas for the way by which he obtained that outcome. Similar to many criminal acts, the court also ordered, as part of Mr Woolas’ punishment that he be put in probation (the three years ban). To me, non of it means the judiciary is interfering in the election or its outcome. But it shows the judiciary is on the publics’ side. Standing with the electorates who were conned, saying to them election by deception is a crime punishable under the law regardless of who you are. Isn’t that what we, the public, want form our judiciary and the laws of this land – to protect us?

Secondly, by rallying around Woolas, we, the political types are not standing our ground or protecting politics. We are sending the wrong message and confirming to the punters their long held suspicion that there is and always will be a “them and us!”

Third, I would like to take this opportunity to applaud Harriet Harman, Labour’s deputy leader, a woman I almost never see eye to eye with, but in this occasion she did well and should be proud of herself. By being far sighted and employing common sense when all around her were very emotional and tribal – for being the first Labour politician, to wisely distance herself and the her Party from a despicable criminal act but most of all for taking the side of the people and standing her ground even when she came under heavy fire, well-done Hattie!

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1 comment(s)


15 Nov, 14:45

Here here. People who are offended about the outcome of the Woolas case need to step back from the Westminster bubble. The judges were enforcing a law passed by our elected body, Parliament. This is what judges do!

Politicians have been utterly useless at regulating themselves and upholding professional standards. The reaction to the Woolas case just reinforce the negative image many voters have our political system, and reinforces the belief that all MPs have selfish motivations.

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