My Tribute to the Thatcher Years!
Posted 22 Nov 2010 by Walaa Idris
Twenty years ago today Europhiles in the Conservative Party conspired and succeed to unseat the greatest Prime Minster of the Twentieth Century. Margaret Thatcher, loath or love her has left a legacy paralleled to none and very big shoes for any future Prime Minsters to fill. Until today she divides opinions, and ignites heated debate both of which are signs of her greatness and visionary leadership.
Who’d have thought back then that twenty years later, the European experiment will be where it is today and have serious question marks hanging over its viability and possible continuity!?
Thatcher’s achievements were and are still enormous, she took a bankrupt country that depended on IMF loans and turned it around, nationalised industries and brought government spending to just below 60 percent of GDP making the UK a serious and formidable financial player in the global economy. Plus, she won the Cold War, the Falkland’s war and took a tough stance when it came to terrorism and the IRA.
However, looking at Baroness Thatcher’s time with the eyes of an African girl in Sudan – I saw a woman who came from a modest background, a grocer’s daughter who did not belong to the old boys’ club with their smoke filled back rooms where big deals and the fate of whole nations were sealed with a handshake over Brandy. I saw a woman who believed in equality and not just preach it but actually delivered it – council tenants were allowed to own their homes and social mobility became a reality not just an election slogan or the working class wishful dream. A Lady who held genuine believes and convictions and was not afraid to act on them.
Of course there are those who will disagree with me and that’s OK! But the pride Maggie filed the young me all those years ago touched many people specially women young and old the world over!
Long lives Thatcher, long live the Iron Lady and thank you for the legacy!
Categories: Margaret Thatcher , The Tory Party
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22 Nov, 15:38
24 Nov, 18:29