Just curious, really!

Posted 9 Feb 2011 by Walaa Idris

Yvette Cooper and Ed Balls

Does Yvette Cooper and Ed Balls write each others speeches or do they sit side by side with his and hers laptops typing away after putting the kids to sleep?

I am only asking because earlier today they both took to the dispatch box, in their respective shadow ministerial posts responding to the government on the Police Grant Report and the Banking Statement. But their style was so cunningly similar, except for where Ms Cooper started every response to government MPs with a dare asking “if they’ll take there stance to their constituents”. Other than that, the two had the same manner and dare I say venom for all things government and Tory spewing all over the dispatch box.

I am curious, because with most politicians you get the feeling commons debates although very serious and important, also have a hint of pantomime to them, except with these two and one other Labour MP, who I won’t name just in case he demands a formal apology from me – everything they say is just too severe and personal.

Do get the feeling that some MPs and politicians take their politics beyond the house and association fundraisers – and forget that there is life beyond Westminster and political office!

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