What happened to check and recheck, then circulate!

Posted 17 Mar 2011 by Walaa Idris

If the prime minster, minsters, many parliamentarians and most people can apologise when they make a mistake or when they get something wrong why can’t the media!?

With the 24/7 news cycle and social media at the end of every finger tip – any piece of news any where in the world is only seconds away from instantly reaching all four corners of the globe. Because of that is it paramount that every article and information put out is accurate or as accurate as humanly possible.

Hearing that a British rescue team flew halfway across the world to assist in the Japanese rescue efforts only to be refused clearance by the British embassy, makes us look incompetent to say the least. For two days the media spin was all about putting this nation, its government and representatives in a bad light. Meanwhile, another team, an official team who flew to Japan earlier for the same mission is there and assisting with the rescue efforts – the first team, unlike the second group faced no trouble because their documentations were correctly in place.

Watching all that unfold you can’t help but wonder and question why is our media so ready to jump on everything that makes Britain and Britons seem incompetent and unpopular. Furthermore, will they with the same vigour and drive apologise when they make an error or a bad judgment? And let’s not forget that some of the people needing rescues there are also Britons!

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