The opposition leader is wrong and should apologies to the Prime Minster!

Posted 18 Jul 2011 by Walaa Idris

Cameron and Miliband

While the phone hacking business, the failure of the Police to get to grips with it, the inability of the press and the politicians to challenge and question it, all happened under the last government who had many years from the time the allegations first emerged to get to the bottom of what happened, but didn’t. Now we have members of that same government lecturing morality and responsibility while franticly searching for a scapegoat to hang their own failures and lack of leadership on….

You have got to give it to them – because it takes guts to lay the blame so openly elsewhere – when we all know their hands were in the same cookie jar they now find so distasteful!

For the leader of the opposition – in his speech today – to hint that the Prime Minster is dishonorable – even after the PM put his hands up regarding his employment of Coulson and repeatedly said – the Police inquiry “must go wherever the evidence leads” – is brash and calculated – but it is also wrong and deceptive.

It is therefore, I would like to call on all Conservatives of all shades and hues to unite behind our leader, the Prime Minster of this country – and not to let Labour’s accusations and innuendos go unchallenged on the media, at work, on the streets or even at home.

As my late daddy, a fanatic Western movies buff – would say; it’s time to circle the wagons!

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