Where are the parents?

Posted 9 Aug 2011 by Walaa Idris

London Riots 2011

As a single parent myself, I know first hand how tough and demanding raising a young family while holding down a job and staying normal can be! Thanks heaven that was a long time ago, my girls are now young ladies who I know will grow to be an asset to their communities and our country. Just as my parents taught me personal responsibility and guided me through the tangled maze of life – I am passing the baton to my girls and expect them to do the same.

Raising my girls was at times hard and even painful but it was never a chore or an inconvenience, I planed to have them and knew all too well what I was embarking on when I decided to go it alone. Till this day I know every night where my daughters are, till today I know what they buy and where the money used to buy it came from. I’m still the parent and they are the child and that gives me the finial word just as my mother is still with me!

Watching events unfold and escalate these past three days – seeing those kids running around at all hours of the night until the early hours of the morning, causing millions of pounds worth of damages – one question comes to mind – where are the parents!?

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