On this occasion my girls will say: “Don’t hate appreciate”

Posted 13 Dec 2011 by Walaa Idris

I know in politics the opposition’s job is to challenge and scrutinize every word the government utters. I also know Lib Dems feel they need to have a separate yet supportive identity. However, life sometimes can throw us a curveball, what we do with it usually stands the test of time.

Last week Cameron was thrown a curveball; he caught it and his substance and resolve shined through.

That has unfortunately angered the opposition, his deputy and even Alex Salmond is now seeking explanation….. Basically anyone who isn’t a Conservative, despite the general public opinion and mood, is unhappy with Cameron’s EU veto!

But surely what’s in the best interest of Britain and her people aren’t solely the Tories’ preservation!? So why then didn’t the others like the rest of the country applaud Prime Minster Cameron for standing up for the City of London – the heart and artery of the UK!?

I see no explanation other than childish blind jealousy!

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