AV, the EU and the Lords…

Posted 10 Jan 2012 by Walaa Idris

Clegg & Cameron

Watching the coalition, sometimes, is like watching a detective movie, when two partners before interrogating a suspect toss a coin to decide who plays good cop/ bad cop this time. And depending on your political persuasion, the good cop can either be Cameron or Clegg in any given situation….

Just weeks after David Cameron vetoed an EU wide treaty change, Nick Clegg recommended the opposite. At a meeting of Liberal party leaders from across Europe he warned against “needless rivalry and isolation” among EU members and told them they must promote “unity over disunity” within the EU.

Despite telling Adam Boulton on Sky that he and his deputy were determined to work together putting to one side their ideological differences, Cameron also admitted Europe is a “pressure point” between the two parties.

We know it’s not only Europe they don’t see eye to eye on, there is (was) the Alternative Vote and we expect they won’t be singing from the same hymn sheet on Lord’s reforms either – which by the way many (me included) think is another pointless leftish appeasing nonsense.

However, that polarity of opinions, in spite of politicos’ desperate attempts to amp it as a potential deal breaker is what actually makes this particular partnership work so well! It is also what’s going to allow it to stay the course and at the end of it give both leaders the backbone to stand strong come 2015.

To start with, even though they agree on many issues, no one can ever confuse the two or accuse either of losing his identity for the other. Secondly, both epitomize selflessness for the good of the nation, even when they disagree they are doing so for the good of the country. But most of all, in the next general election it will be business as usual.

The political divide between the two partners can at times be frustrating and even come across as an own goal that might benefit the opposition, but at closer inspection their unity is what’s throwing a monkey wrench on Labour’s plans and leadership. Because they (Labour) know when the time comes all the voters need to hear form the Liberals and the Tories “AV, the EU and the Lords!”

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