Open letter to Iain Dale

Posted 27 Sep 2013 by Walaa Idris

Dearest Iain,

I am not going to say I was not shocked by “the incident” but I was not surprised. Because I think, to some extent, I do know you. You are a passionate man, a caring person, and also a very proud individual. Not proud in the egotistical ‘look at me’ sense, but in the ‘I love what I do and I am happy to see it presented and represented well and in a good light’ sense.

That is why when you saw what could possibly damage your work you reacted. We all do it, and from time to time our reactions have unwanted consequences. But that does not make us stupid. It makes us human, compassionate, sincere and real – and that is what you are, human, compassionate, sincere and so very real.

Your reaction might have had an unpleasant outcome but it showed your real commitment to your work and client. And that my friend is what makes you successful. You weren’t at all an idiot, just very human.

As for the vultures, I personally think, from time to time we all need to know who our real friends are – incidents like this are a true and accurate measure.

Love always


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The king is back!

Posted 28 Dec 2012 by Walaa Idris

Iain Dale

When Iain Dale announced in 2010 that he will shut down his personal blog for a new multibloggers uberblog, I was sad to see one of my absolute favourite blogs disappear but was comforted in that he will continue to blog. Even if I was unsure if it will be the same, but as a friend I wanted and hoped Dale & Co becomes a success.

So when earlier this month Iain announced he is shutting Dale & Co down and returning to his single blog, I was delighted.

As the King of Blogging and the person who inspired me to blog, as a blogging mentor who was always generous with candid advice and support and as a friend it is good to have Iain Dale the blog back.

Sorry to learn Dale & Co suffered, but I can see why. Most contributors had their own followers elsewhere and Dale & Co was never their primary.

Yes, I was one of those who missed the fact that he never ruled out a return just as I and many never stopped hoping that one day he will come back.

I don’t know if Iain remembers it. But in 2007, in Blackpool at the Conservative Party Conference, I told him he well be wasted in Parliament, with all the whipping and the party line towing. And although he is/was an A ‘Lister at the time, he was made for journalism, this type of on the spot published commentary. What Nadine Dorries called “a bigger scope than Ben & Jerry’s”. This is what he was born to do.

I was right. Iain Dale is today a formidable journalist and one of the most influential political commentators in our country. As a Tory he makes me proud, as a blogger I look up to him and as friend I rejoice in his success.

Welcome back and may it continue for a very long time.

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End of an Era!

Posted 14 Dec 2010 by Walaa Idris

Iain Dale 2010

It is no secret that Iain Dale had some influence in me taking up blogging. I admire and respect him and can actually call him a friend. Announcing earlier today that he will stop regular blogging although a huge blow to the blogosphere especially on the right, this announcement did not come as a total surprise, nevertheless his departure will be an immense loss.

Could this signal the end of the blogging greats, first Tom Harris MP, Tory Bear and now Iain Dale? Although in Harris’ case it was a surprise but Iain has hinted at the possibility of him quitting in many occasions plus with his work and business commitments it was inevitable, and as he put it (something had to give)

We will miss you Iain (I love my Ben & Jerry scoops) and I’m positive many on all sides of the political spectrum do too. I shall look at your departure as a coming of age and although I will miss the blog there is still your nightly show on LBC and judging by my reading taste I will always be reading something with your figure prints all over it.

Good luck my friend with everything and thank you for being a trend setter!

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