“We are the Conservative party; we don’t do pacts and deals”

Posted 24 May 2014 by Walaa Idris

Thursday’s elections’ results did not carry many surprises. Labour gained the majority of councillors, Ukip had the most gains and LibDems suffered the most losses. Most of the councils Tories lost, they lost to No Overall Control.

The one local authority I personally feel gutted losing is Hammersmith and Fulham. As a resident of a neighbouring borough who lived in West London for 23 years I saw first-hand how the Conservatives transformed H&F. It is now a low tax, high service, low crime vibrant and clean community I just hope Labour can continue the good work the Tories started and build on it.

Conservatives and LibDems are in government and like most governing parties they got a good kicking midterm – so there is little surprise here.

On the other hand Ukip are the new kids in the block, who was expected to clean up in the polls. They did well, but not as good as expected of them – in other words they did not clean up.

Now they are elected the serious work begins. Will they deliver? Will they turn those words and promises to work and action or will they do locally what they have been doing in Europe – abstain in every vote and only show up when there is a big speech to be given?

Either way the whole country is now watching!

Before the EU results are even out, the media is talking about a Conservative Ukip pact. I can see a theme developing. For a year we will hear about this pact despite what Cameron said. He told reporters yesterday: “We are the Conservatives party, we don’t do pacts and deals, and we are fighting for an outright win in the next general election”

Listening to Farage calling for Conservatives to ditch Cameron if they want to win next May, confirms to me what Ukip wants and hopes to achieve. They want Tories to do a deal and give them a chance at becoming the party of government – and Cameron is on the way of that possibility.

As a party, Ukip has yet to prove itself as a serious player. It is better they use this year and make a name for themselves in local government, make strides in Europe and show the British public that Ukip candidates get elected to serve them not to fill their own party coffers.

I also would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all those who got elected – form all parties and none. Serving your community and your country is a privilege and an honour, congratulations and well done!

