Don’t shoot the messenger.

Posted 20 May 2011 by Walaa Idris

When Melanie Phillips, on last night’s Question Time said international aid should be used to improve prisons and to help the needy in our country first, some people treated her like a Nazi. Sadly, today with our so called ‘progressive’ elite – and those who crowned themselves overseers of all things ‘correct’ – common senses and logic took a back seat. Being sensible and putting self and family first has become an unspeakable selfish sin, even when it is the right thing to do!

I agree with Ms Philips in that we should be responsible for our own first, in times of great need it is egotistical and self serving of our politicians to ring-fence money for international spending while there is a need for it locally. Granted the amounts we spend overseas pales in significance to what is spent at home and it greatly helps needy people there. However, it should be treated as part of the overall economy and reflects the mood of the nation, ring – fencing it in this occasion is a slap on the face of many Britons who already feel neglected and left behind by their own.

Of course, it’s a duty to care and help those who are in need, but not without the blessing of those who the money belongs to in the first place! Even if the money given is a very small amount, percentage wise, the public should still be at ease with how and where the money is spent. Generally, the British people are very caring and giving, they are always at the ready, with their hands in their pockets to help whenever others are in need. However, they feel the same cuts that affected their quality of life should be reflected on international giving.

Where I don’t agree with Ms Philips is in stopping International Aid all together. Just as our politicians are extreme in ring-fencing aid when most everything else is not, she is extreme in wanting to abolish it all together. As long as there is a need for help we have a duty to help – but we also have a duty of accountability when giving that money. Knowing how and where the money is spent – following it throughout and making sure it leaves a lasting legacy – punishing those who misuse it and train those who need guidance to use it properly – are all as important as giving the money. Otherwise it is just selfish gratification!

Coming from Africa, I saw how international aid, US-AID and various EU monies can be misspent. A great deal of it is put to wonderful use but also large sums of it end up in personal pockets, arming and strengthening the wrong people and numbered accounts overseas. How else do you think all the developing world dictators stay in power for decades, have riches beyond belief while the rest of their people are oppressed, live in mud huts, walk bare feet with empty bellies and little cloth!?


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